
Friday, May 26, 2023

PhD Fellowship in Intestinal Microbiome Analysis and Parasites as Health and Disease Biomarkers

For quite a while, I have had the undiluted pleasure of working with Prof Mark van der Giezen, who is currently based at the University of Stavanger. 

Mark is a PI on a large grant from the Norwegian Research Council, and I will be co-supervising one of the projects, which is the following: 

"PhD Fellowship in Intestinal Microbiome Analysis and Parasites as Health and Disease Biomarkers"

There will, of course, be special emphasis on Blastocystis, but we will also be looking at other common intestinal parasites, and the relationship between these and core host gut microbiota signatures.

Particularly those with experience and training in epidemiology and/or bioinformatics can now apply for this PhD position. You can read much more about the aim of the study and key qualifications here

Most of the work will be carried out at the institute where I work, the Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Monday, February 27, 2023

EU-COST-NUS Workshop: Blastocystis Culture & Applications

Hi all,

Exciting times ahead!

The first training school of our Action will take place between the 30th of May until 1st of June 2023 at the National University of Singapore. Thanks to Dr. Kevin Tan for organising this.

You can find more information here and register to attend the meeting my completing the form here.

Our Action will support 14-15 trainees to attend the Training School. To apply for a financial support to attend this training school you will need to complete the form below no latter than the 10th of March 2023.

Due to the tight timeline and quick turnover, we won’t consider any applications submitted after this deadline. 


For criteria selection, priority will be given to:

  • Applicants that have relevant research to Blastocystis or they are aiming to apply this knowledge to future Blastocystis research 
  • One applicant per COST member country
  • Early career researchers
  • Keeping a gender balance 
  • We cannot provide financial support for participants that are affiliated with non-COST member countries. See eligibility here: 


We would like to inform the succesful applicants before the 15th of March. If you have any questions regarding the application procedure, please contact Dr. Eleni Gentekaki:  


Please feel free to forward this information across your networks.


Kind regards,

Anastasios Tsaousis