
Monday, November 2, 2020

The Blastocystis PubMLST database now has a new look!

Thanks to Keith Jolley and colleauges, the PubMLST site now has a new look! Why not try and visit the Blastocystis section? It's available here

The Blastocystis database has mostly been used to identify whether subtypes that are shared between humans are animals reflect the same strains or not based on intra-subtype genetic variation (allele analysis), for which is works quite well. For this purpose, you should use DNA sequences reflecting the barcode region.

 You can query a single sequence or a whole batch of sequences. On the landing page, simply press 'Typing' and then opt for 'Single sequence' or 'Batch seqeunces', depending on what you want to analyse.

It's our ambition to expand the database with more subtype alleles, since this will allow all Blastocystis researchers interested in Blastocystis epidemiology to query their barcode sequences against a curated, standardised database. However, the genetic universe of Blastocystis is rapidly expanding, so it can be difficult to keep up! 

This site works best with Sanger sequences, or, possibly, consensus sequences generated based on next-generation sequencing of the 5'-end of the SSU rRNA gene of Blastocystis; we still haven't very much experience with the latter.


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